
gnarl [nɑ:l]  [nɑ:l] 

gnarl 基本解释


动词咆哮; 扭; 生节; 使有节

gnarl 网络解释

1. 节:一个天界精灵群落居于巨大树根附近,名为树节(Gnarl)的村庄. 在村旁,Erevan Ilesere拥有一个用木材、岩石、水晶和其他天然物质所筑,不规则延伸与变换的宫殿,但这位神祇很少停留在其领域中,而是在位面上漫游并戏耍作弄他人.

2. 木节瘤:胶 glue | 木节瘤 gnarl | 锣 gong

3. 节,疤:snarled纠缠不清的 | gnarl节,疤 | snobbish势力的

4. 木节:GMDSS radio logbook GMDSS无线电日志 | gnarl 木节 | gnomon rudder 半平衡舵

gnarl 英英释义


1. gnarl的解释

1. something twisted and tight and swollen

    e.g. their muscles stood out in knots
           the old man's fists were two great gnarls
           his stomach was in knots

    Synonym: knot


1. make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath

    e.g. she grumbles when she feels overworked

    Synonym: murmur mutter grumble croak

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. twist into a state of deformity

    e.g. The wind has gnarled this old tree