gnaw at

gnaw at [nɔ: æt]  [nɔ æt] 

gnaw at 基本解释

动词啃,咬,侵蚀; (长时间) 折磨某人

gnaw at 网络解释

1. 啃:gnatty 多蚊蚋的 | gnaw at 啃 | gnaw into 啃

2. 咬:gnaw 咬 啃 侵蚀 | gnaw at . . . 咬. . . . | sense N官能 感觉 VT感到 理解

3. 啃;咬:Senegal: 塞内加尔 | gnaw at: 啃;咬 | nocturnal: 夜间活动的

gnaw at 单语例句

1. gnaw at

1. In spite of this improvement, corruption continues to gnaw at China's social fabric.

2. gnaw at是什么意思

2. James insists the bitter conclusion to last season doesn't gnaw at him.

gnaw at 英英释义


1. become ground down or deteriorate

    e.g. Her confidence eroded

    Synonym: erode gnaw eat at wear away