
gnawer ['nɔ:ə]  ['nɔ:ə] 

gnawer 基本解释


gnawer 网络解释

1. 腐食物:gnaw 咬 | gnawer 腐食物 | gnawing 咬

2. 咬的人,腐蚀者:157.gnawer 咬的人,腐蚀者 | drawer 出票人,制图员,(酒吧的)喝酒者 | hewer 砍伐者,煤矿工

3. 咬的人/腐食物/臼齿动物:gnathostegite /颚板/ | gnawer /咬的人/腐食物/臼齿动物/ | gnawing /咬/不断的苦痛/苛责/咬的/使苦恼的/

4. 臼齿动物:gnawer 腐食物 | gnawer 臼齿动物 | gnawing 不断的苦痛

gnawer 双语例句

1. The left route continues to Old Gnawer and his Deep-claw pets Shalebiter and Rockjaw.

2. Articles about the regulation of NO to muscular blood flow, signal transmission and glucose under exercise stress in human and gnawer were selected.

3. Erode, gnaw at, eat at, wear away gnawer

4. Five species of animal (pig, goat, dog, rabbit and chicken)which representate polyphagia, ruminant, sarcophagy, gnawer and bird species respectively were used as experimental subjects.

gnawer 英英释义


1. relatively small placental mammals having a single pair of constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing

    Synonym: rodent