go all out

go all out [ɡəu ɔ:l aut]  [ɡo ɔl aʊt] 

go all out 基本解释

go all out在线翻译

全力以赴; 大干; 甩开膀子; 鼓足干劲

go all out 网络解释

go all out在线翻译

1. 全力以赶;鼓足干劲:go ahead 前进;干吧 | go all out 全力以赶;鼓足干劲 | go along with 赞同;附合,支持

2. 全力以赴:go out外出,熄灭 | go all out全力以赴 | go off爆炸,进行,变坏,断电,停止供应

3. 全力以赴,尽全力:54. wait on 伺候 | 55. go all out 全力以赴,尽全力 | 56. on sale 廉价出售,大减价

4. 全力以赴,竭尽全力:go ahead开始,前进,领先 | go all out全力以赴,竭尽全力 | go along with陪同前往,随行

go all out 单语例句

1. Sources with Cangnan People's Hospital said they were all out of danger by Wednesday night and were expected to go home on Thursday.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. All you would have to do is read them out until you were confident enough to go conversational commando.

3. Like all things new, most will go out of fashion but a few will be accepted into mainstream usage.

4. After rejecting the " 1992 consensus " in June 2000, the DPP administration led by Chen began to go all out to pursue independence.

5. You have a flair for showmanship so go all out for the party.

6. People go all out to help reduce the earthquake damages to the least.

7. One would think that you now have to go all out to either placate or challenge traditional expectations.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. He had talks with us and we will go all out to make him to stay.

9. go all out的解释

9. They were prepared to go all out to learn everything they wanted from the West in order to fight back.

10. China's new leaders will go all out to change such an unbalanced economic structure and pursue higher quality growth.

go all out 英英释义



1. perform a task as well as possible

    e.g. The cast gives full measure every night

    Synonym: give one's best do one's best give full measure