go along

go along [ɡəu əˈlɔŋ]  [ɡo əˈlɔŋ] 

go along 基本解释

go along在线翻译

进行; 赞同; 兜风; 陪伴

go along 相关例句

go along


1. You'll find it easier as you go along.

2. I can't go along with your suggestion.

go along 网络解释

go along在线翻译

1. 进行,进展;(with)赞同:go at 攻击;着手/努力做 | go along 进行,进展;(with)赞同 | go into action 开始行动

2. 进行:316. get to 到达 | 334. go along 进行 | 335. go across 穿过,横过

3. 前进:go along with 赞同 | go along 前进 | go ape 发疯

4. 进行,继续,同意:go about 从事,着手做 | go along 进行,继续,同意 | go after 设法得到,追求

go along 词典解释

1. 出席(会议等);去(某地)
    If you go along to a meeting, event, or place, you attend or visit it.

    e.g. I went along to the meeting...
    e.g. You should go along and have a look.

2. go along的翻译

2. 进展
    If you describe how something is going along, you describe how it is progressing.

    e.g. Things were going along fairly well.

go along 单语例句

1. go along的近义词

1. Qian likes to go hiking over the weekend and takes pictures along the way, but compact digital cameras simply don't shoot pictures in the way she desires.

2. The Group of 7 leading industrial nations will asks the larger Paris Club of creditor nations to go along at a meeting Wednesday.

3. Wallace took care of the dirty work, grabbing 18 rebounds to go along with six blocks.

4. go along的意思

4. She doesn't go out of her way to find a boyfriend, but goes along on blind dates set up by concerned relatives and friends.

5. I go along with the cool kids to the council firework display - and end up whimpering in the tea hut.

6. The Korean Peninsula should go along with its previously confirmed path free of nuclear weapons to fundamentally improve Northeast Asian security.

7. go along在线翻译

7. Why can't we just go along with the change of seasons?

8. go along什么意思

8. But the Senate refused to go along with it until a few changes were made.

9. go along什么意思

9. He craves consistency above almost everything else, and Mother Nature simply refused to go along.

10. His first choice was to go along the traditional Chinese route since he was a fan of classic Chinese culture.

go along 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. pass by

    e.g. three years elapsed

    Synonym: elapse lapse pass slip by glide by slip away go by slide by

2. cooperate or pretend to cooperate

    e.g. He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment

    Synonym: play along

3. continue a certain state, condition, or activity

    e.g. Keep on working!
           We continued to work into the night
           Keep smiling
           We went on working until well past midnight

    Synonym: continue go on proceed keep