go bad

go bad [ɡəu bæd]  [ɡo bæd] 

go bad 基本解释
go bad 相关例句

go bad


1. Milk goes bad quickly if it is not refrigerated.

2. The apples went bad.

go bad 网络解释

1. 变坏;变酸;腐败:go back to 追溯到... | go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败 | go beyond the limit 超过限度

2. (食物等)变坏,坏掉:go all out 全力以赴 | go bad (食物等)变坏,坏掉 | go by 走过,经过

3. 变坏:go all the way back to the time of 起源于 | go bad 变坏 | go by 经过

4. 腐败;变质:feel bad about为......感到难受;抱歉 | go bad腐败;变质 | go from bad to worse每况愈下

go bad 单语例句

1. A distressed asset is held by a company trapped in a bad financial situation, which is willing to let its assets go for very low prices.

2. The fault prevented the machines from completely sealing the dairy packages, which allowed the milk to go bad quickly.

3. They always seem to go after the bad drivers after an accident rather than preventing one from happening.

4. go bad在线翻译

4. It just seems to go from bad to worse for soccer in China.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. The CFA's failure to rein in the irregularities has seen things go from bad to worse.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. But irresponsible reporting only deepens misunderstanding and can make things go from bad to worse.

7. It is too bad if workers have to go on strike to get what they deserve.

8. A good teapot doesn't make the tea sour or go bad.

9. Sometimes the tea is actually good, but due to improper storage the leaves go bad.

10. go bad的翻译

10. They were finally persuaded to let the woman go, on condition Chen herself stayed in the village in case bad luck struck.

go bad 英英释义

go bad的意思


1. become unfit for consumption or use

    e.g. the meat must be eaten before it spoils

    Synonym: spoil

2. stop operating or functioning

    e.g. The engine finally went
           The car died on the road
           The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town
           The coffee maker broke
           The engine failed on the way to town
           her eyesight went after the accident

    Synonym: fail give way die give out conk out go break break down