go bananas

go bananas [ɡəu bəˈnɑ:nəs]  [ɡo bəˈnænəz] 

go bananas 基本解释
go bananas 网络解释

1. 疯狂的,心急如焚,非常激动:6.Baby boomer 生育高峰期出生 | 7.go bananas 疯狂的,心急如焚,非常激动 | 8.Best-Seller 畅销书

2. 走火入魔:82. A black sheep败家子 | 83. Go bananas走火入魔 | 84. a bed of rose安乐窝

3. 疯狂:This walkman is a lemon. 这个随身听是次品. | Go bananas. 疯狂. | In this flat country,people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦和玉米,并且养牛.

go bananas 单语例句

1. go bananas的解释

1. In all likelihood, the airport metal detector will go bananas when he flies back to the US.