go for nothing

go for nothing [ɡəu fɔ: ˈnʌθiŋ]  [ɡo fɔr ˈnʌθɪŋ] 

go for nothing 基本解释

go for nothing是什么意思


go for nothing 相关例句


1. A whole year's hard work has all gone for nothing.

go for nothing 网络解释

go for nothing什么意思

1. 被认为大有用处[毫无用处]:go for much 被认为大有用处[毫无用处] | go for nothing 被认为大有用处[毫无用处] | go forth 出发发布[表], 宣布

2. 落得一场空,劳而无功:for nothing 免费 徒然, 没有结果; 白白地; 不起作用地; 无缘无故 | go for nothing 落得一场空,劳而无功 | go for very little 落得一场空,劳而无功

3. 白费, 毫无用处:go for a walk出去散步 | go for nothing白费, 毫无用处 | go for one's holiday去度假

4. 白费;没有价值:to say nothing of 更谈不到...... | go for nothing 白费;没有价值 | have nothing to do but do sth. 只有做......

go for nothing 单语例句

1. Some parents go a step further by insisting on nothing less than schools with curriculums for expatriate children.

2. He and Li stayed at the Hong Kong man's flat for almost two months and did nothing but go out to casinos.

3. There's nothing political or any message behind it - it's just a way for people to go out and have some fun.

4. Otherwise they can always go to street stalls to buy many clothes for almost nothing.

5. go for nothing的解释

5. Just when you thought nothing more could go wrong on Christmas, it comes time for the family photo.

6. There is nothing wrong for their longing to go to school, ''Tian said.