go out for

go out for

go out for 单语例句

1. Kuang also pointed out that children suffering from shortsightedness should go to hospital for a medical checkup before they turn to glasses.

2. Or I can go for the adolescent market and churn out sexual fantasies.

3. Liang said they decided to let some prisoners go out for sightseeing and study so they could learn about outside society and connect to it.

4. I sing a song for my wife in the show and sometimes I go out to the crowd.

5. About 20 per cent would go shopping, out for a trip or simply use it to pay for daily expenses.

6. go out for什么意思

6. I eat aromatic crispy duck every time I go out for a Chinese.

7. It is somewhere local thespians go to hang out and eat savory spaghetti carbonara while memorizing lines for upcoming shows.

8. Go out to eat with them, and Bob will order for Mike.

9. When foreign friends or family come to visit us in Beijing, we have to go out for duck and some local foods which are quite enjoyable.

10. He and Li stayed at the Hong Kong man's flat for almost two months and did nothing but go out to casinos.