go to bed

go to bed [ɡəu tu: bed]  [ɡo tu bɛd] 

go to bed 基本解释

go to bed的解释

去睡觉; 安歇

go to bed 网络解释

go to bed的翻译

1. 睡觉:那就早点睡觉(go to bed)吧. 只有休息(relax)好了才能够学习(study)好、工作(work)好. 50、只有努力学习(study),刻苦练习(practice),才会学到、学会(learn)知识,不要把希望寄托在偶然学会(pick up)的雕虫小技上!

2. 上床睡觉:firmly 稳固地 | go to bed 上床睡觉 | check 检查,核对

3. 去睡觉:go to a meeting去开会 | go to bed 去睡觉 | go to a cinema去看电影

4. 滚开:ridiculous 可笑的(贬义词) | go to bed! 滚开! | dumbass 笨蛋

go to bed 单语例句

1. go to bed的解释

1. I definitely am the type of woman who needs a clean kitchen before I go to bed.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. You might not have to go to bed at a certain time, but do not talk crooked to anybody!

3. She had to get up early or go to bed late to wash and dry it.

4. Some would go to bed then, while others would study in the restroom or with a flashlight in bed.

5. go to bed的反义词

5. You try to go to bed early and try to wake up early and get your body moving obviously.

6. But there are modern preventive steps to take that go beyond protective clothing and regular washing of bed linens.

7. She said she tries to feed the kids as late in the day as possible so they don't go to bed hungry.

8. go to bed的翻译

8. " I just want to go to bed, " he says with a laugh.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. One villager was about to go to bed when he heard the village loudspeaker order everyone to immediately flee.

10. Angelina says she and Brad love having a big family and like to spend quality time together before they all go to bed.

go to bed 英英释义


1. prepare for sleep

    e.g. I usually turn in at midnight
           He goes to bed at the crack of dawn

    Synonym: turn in bed crawl in kip down hit the hay hit the sack sack out go to sleep retire