
goatee [gəʊˈti:]  [goʊˈti:] 



goatee 基本解释


goatee 网络解释

1. 胡子:由於反对小胡子(moustache)和下颚的胡子(goatee),他们一般觉得胡须并不吸引人. 加拿大军队对男性长胡须是有一定限制--这一个是基於在佩带防毒面具时能确保没有空隙让毒气乘虚而入.

2. 山羊胡:此外,scar (伤疤)、beauty spots (美人痣)、dimples (酒窝)在不同年龄的人脸上可能都会有;而男性脸上更还有一大特征:胡子,包括唇上的八字须(moustache)、颏上的胡须(beard)、络腮胡子(whiskers)以及山羊胡(goatee).

3. 山羊胡子; 胡子 (名):goaltender 守门员 (名) | goatee 山羊胡子; 胡子 (名) | goatherd 牧羊人, 牧羊者 (名)

goatee 词典解释

1. (男子的)山羊胡子
    A goatee is a very short pointed beard that covers a man's chin but not his cheeks.

goatee 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. He has shampooed and conditioned his goatee every day in preparation for the competition, he said.

2. goatee在线翻译

2. An adorable satyr sporting a cute goatee scampers around in the aisles between set changes.

3. He had markings that looked a bit like a mustache and goatee.

4. They are neither wizards with magic crystal balls, nor feng shui masters with white goatee beards.

5. goatee的意思

5. Trahan has triumphed twice on the PGA Tour while sporting a goatee and has no immediate plans to shave it off.

6. Made in the form of foam fingers, from afar they look a lot like Shawn Bradley with a goatee.

7. Merrill is shopping for some bright red pants to match his red goatee.

8. Boys are forbidden to have long hair and goatee beards, and girls'long hair must be tied up.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Why even the good old Colonel Sanders himself looked a little Chinese with his graying goatee beard emanating that Confucius character type.

10. His hair is cropped short and his mustache and goatee beard appear neatly trimmed around a gaping mouth.

goatee 英英释义


1. a small chin beard trimmed to a point
    named for its resemblance to a goat's beard