
goldbrick [ˈgəʊldbrɪk]  [ˈgoʊldbrɪk]







goldbrick 基本解释

不及物动词懒汉; 称病; 欺诈; 假金砖


goldbrick 网络解释

1. 称病:goldbeater 金箔匠 | goldbrick 称病 | goldbug 金甲虫

2. 金砖:goldbonds 金债券 | goldbrick 金砖 | goldbronze 金青铜

3. 懒汉:goldbrick 假金砖 | goldbrick 懒汉 | goldbrickshoddysnidestumer 赝品

goldbrick 双语例句


1. But this lance head gives us the feeling that it's not consistent because of the goldbrick.

2. It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick.

3. It`s wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he`s a goldbrick.
    F 希望菲尔帮助你那是梦想,他是块金砖。

4. The term goldbrick is an American slang term for a person who shirks assigned duties, esp.

5. He is a goldbrick.

6. Whoever is goldbrick when I came back gets a real talking.

7. " It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick. "


8. Everyone should deligence, the thing that fall in pies from the sky is onlythe dream of goldbrick.

9. " Goldbrick ": Peasants'Living Wisdom under the State Presence

10. A sorry horse; a sorry excuse; a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick; the car was a no-good piece of junk.

11. " Goldbrick ": Peasants'Living Wisdom under the State Presence

12. " It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick. "

goldbrick 英英释义



1. goldbrick

1. anything that is supposed to be valuable but turns out to be worthless

2. goldbrick

2. a brick-shaped block that looks like gold but is not

3. goldbrick什么意思

3. an idle worthless person

    Synonym: goof-off ne'er-do-well good-for-nothing no-account good-for-naught

4. goldbrick的近义词

4. a soldier who performs his duties without proper care or effort


1. avoid (one's assigned duties)

    e.g. The derelict soldier shirked his duties

    Synonym: fiddle shirk shrink from

2. deprive of by deceit

    e.g. He swindled me out of my inheritance
           She defrauded the customers who trusted her
           the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

    Synonym: victimize swindle rook nobble diddle bunco defraud scam mulct gyp gip hornswoggle short-change con