

goliath 基本解释


移动式巨型起重机,大型起重机,轨道起重机; 巨鹭

goliath 网络解释


1. 巨人:初期主要是泥雕,如<<大卫>>、<<巨人>>(Goliath),着重对力度的表现. 成为罗丹的学生和情人后,先雕了一组人像,其中<<卡库恩达拉>>(Cakountala, 又名<<遗弃>>)和<<华尔兹>>(la Valse )最为成功,两者表现了作者对肉体的爱和灵魂的爱的强烈追求.

2. 机器人:Terran选手接下来应该给予的最佳对策是:(A)速出雷车(Vulture),研究埋雷(Spider Mines),并补雷达(Comsat Station)(B)训练机枪兵(Marine)与医疗兵(Medic)的组合(C)训练坦克(Tank)与机器人(Goliath)的组合(D)速出幽灵战机(Wraith),

goliath 单语例句

1. goliath

1. He told XM radio the pairing was " David and Goliath, " and jokingly referred to Woods as the underdog.

2. The television juggernaut is very comfortable playing Goliath - fighting the millions of miniature Davids, and kicking their asses.

3. They will be replaced by contemporary works inspired by the statue of the muscular shepherd boy who slew Goliath.

4. Among the 257 types of fish discovered in the rivers and lakes of the Amazon was a " Goliath " catfish.

5. The American merchandising push of his image is a bit of a culture shock for the Chinese goliath.

6. Goliath Grouper are the largest members of the sea bass family and can weigh hundreds of pounds.

goliath 英英释义



1. someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful

    Synonym: giant behemoth monster colossus