
good-for-nothing [ˈgʊdfəˈnʌθɪŋ]  [ˈɡʊdfɚˈnʌθɪŋ] 


good-for-nothing 基本解释



good-for-nothing 双语例句


1. Oh, but don't become one of those useless, good-for-nothing gigolos.

2. This coming Saturday is Sharon's daughter birthday, she invites all of us go to her chalet at Tanah Merah...she planned everything for me already as I will be working until 5pm that day...haih...the funniest thing is I have to bring along 2 of my god-grandmas...i can't imagine that I have to take mrt with auntie Alice and auntie Kuan...

3. He is able to do nothing, he really is a good-for-nothing.

4. In order to pinpoint people cursing your are not what you think is a good-for-nothing, I translate what I have written into English.

5. Furthermore, what made her injured was that she realized never loving that good-for-nothing dandy but procreating for him.

6. Get out of here, you good-for-nothing fool!

7. However, what the history of development of the society instruct us of is blindly advocating techonology advancement probobaly brings to us grievious, and even irremediable consequence----we surely degenerate to be a group lacking of self-dependence capablity, who can only cast our nets on the lifeless matter and are meaningfulless good-for-nothing to impel the society.

8. Meanwhile, he disguises himself as a good-for-nothing who is unworthy being employed.


9. But I'm a good-for-nothing, you know. I can't look after you.

10. I think now is like a good-for-nothing....


11. Lin: You said I'm a good-for-nothing, didn't you?
      林 你说我没有用,我不死了!


12. B: That's right. He's a good-for-nothing loser.

13. If you don't work enough, you're a good-for-nothing bum.


14. If you don`t work enough, you`re a good-for-nothing bum.

15. I`m not a good-for-nothing.

16. So basically, I was good-for-nothing in the real world.

17. In the disguise of crazy, i think i'll become a good-for-nothing.

18. Maybe I am just a good-for-nothing in other people's eyes presently, but for myself, I am the unique and special existence, and nothing is gonna replace me.

19. But I look like the good-for-nothing to be ordinary, at home shakes, keeps silent.

20. As to fatmeat is most probably to be considered being totally worthless be the good-for-nothing who throws away's turn.

good-for-nothing 词典解释

1. 懒散的;一无是处的
    If you describe someone as good-for-nothing, you think that they are lazy or irresponsible.

    e.g. ...a good-for-nothing fourteen-year-old son who barely knows how to read and count.

good-for-nothing 英英释义




1. an idle worthless person

    Synonym: goldbrick goof-off ne'er-do-well no-account good-for-naught


1. without merit

    e.g. a sorry horse
           a sorry excuse
           a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick
           the car was a no-good piece of junk

    Synonym: good-for-naught meritless no-account no-count no-good sorry