
gossipmonger ['gɒsɪpˌmʌŋgə]  ['gɒsɪpˌmʌŋgə] 

gossipmonger 基本解释


gossipmonger 网络解释

1. 饶舌:gossip 流言 | gossipmonger 饶舌 | gossipy 喜饶舌的

2. 跳过NPC对话:Gossipmonger 跳过NPC对话 | JewelTips 显示物品上的附魔和珠宝 | Jpack 背包整理(须打/JP)

3. 饶舌/爱说闲话的人:gossamery /轻而薄的/轻飘飘的/ | gossipmonger /饶舌/爱说闲话的人/ | gossipy /喜饶舌的/漫谈式的/

4. 爱说闲话的人:gossipclaverscuttlebutt 闲话 | gossipmonger 爱说闲话的人 | gossipy 漫谈式的

gossipmonger 双语例句


1. She is a gossipmonger.

2. Part of the role of the gossipmonger, after all, is to reveal the human sides of public figures, to find the ways in which the famous are just like regular people.

3. He`s such a gossipmonger.


4. Any inaccuracies would mean that I am guilty of being a gossipmonger, or a troublemaker who twists other people's words/ideas.

5. He used his mental capacity, thus spared, to turn raconteur and juicy gossipmonger.

6. He employ his mental capacity to act as raconteur and juicy gossipmonger.

gossipmonger 英英释义



1. a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others

    Synonym: gossip gossiper rumormonger rumourmonger newsmonger