
gradient [ˈgreɪdiənt]  [ˈɡrediənt] 



gradient 基本解释

名词[物]梯度,陡度; (温度、气压等)变化率,梯度变化曲线; <英>(道路的)倾斜度,坡度

形容词倾斜的; [动]步行的,能步行的

gradient 相关例句


1. A gradient of 1 in 4 is a rise of fall of one metre for every four metres forward.

gradient 网络解释

1. 梯度:3.4 梯度(Gradient)洗脱操作 梯度洗脱需要编制梯度表和程序事件(Program event)表,在OPERATE GRADIENT屏幕时运行. 按program method键,进入梯度编辑窗口. 移动光标键至table #处,输入数字键(1-15),按enter键,将光标移至梯度表第一行,

2. 渐变:4.3.3 渐变(gradient)工具当被用于图层和通道蒙版时,渐变工具是非常有用的混合工具. 图4.20图示了在图层蒙版中使用渐变工具,使两个图层混合在一起. 首先,就要先在登月舱图象中新建一个透明图层(图4.22(a)),并且航天飞机(图4.22(b))要复制粘贴到新建透明图层.

3. 坡度:切片能产生维数更小的数组片段的视图. Blitz 还处理标准计算器类型函数,所以数组可在标准输出上显示,而且可从文件中读入或发送到文件. Laplacian、坡度(gradient)和 Jacobian 运算符只是 Blitz 的模版(stencil)函数的三个示例.

4. 斜率:这种方法将一个有n 变量与 k 约束的问题转换为一个更易解的n + k个变量的方程组,其变量不受任何约束. 这种方法引入了一种新的标量未知数,即拉格朗日乘数:约束方程的斜率(gradient)的线性组合里每个向量的系数.

gradient 词典解释

1. 斜坡;坡度;倾斜度
    A gradient is a slope, or the degree to which the ground slopes.

    e.g. ...a gradient of 1 in 3...
    e.g. The courses are long and punishing, with steep gradients.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 grade

2. 变化率
    The gradient of a graph or series of measurements is the rate at which one set of amounts changes in relation to another.

gradient 单语例句

1. As the gradient of its slopes debatably reaches a three degree incline, imagination is a prerequisite for this adventure.

2. Rafters can float down the river between precipitous mountain slopes that have an 80 to 90 degree gradient.

3. While its southern slope stretches with a gentle gradient, the northern is steep.

4. Wang said it is the first time such a gradient presence of growth factors has been observed.

5. gradient

5. He said Britain's hilly terrain was ideal for the Maglev, which can be angled at a gradient of up to 10 per cent.

6. The long ascent with a 10 percent gradient over the last kilometre will test the form of the climbers.

gradient 英英释义



1. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal

    e.g. a five-degree gradient

    Synonym: slope

2. a graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension