
graffiti [grəˈfi:ti]  [ɡrəˈfiti] 


graffiti 基本解释


graffiti 网络解释

1. 街头涂鸦:由粗糙的洞穴壁画开始,街头艺术的革命不断演化,发展至今,街头涂鸦(Graffiti)及范本(台译:纸模)涂鸦(Stencil)现正充斥着城巿的大街小巷,这种表达文化整合了艺术,设计及流行文化.

2. (墙上的) 涂鸦:The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls. :先知的话语是写在地铁的墙上以及廉价公寓的大厅里. 表示社会真实的现状(先知所见的事实)只有在地铁墙上的涂鸦(graffiti)以及穷人在其所住的廉价公寓大厅中所发的怨言或哀求中.

3. 乱画:[短文大意]本文主要介绍粗糙雕刻或墙上乱画(Graffiti)这样一种艺术形式以及不同时期不同地方不同的人们和它的联系、对它的看法以及它带来的危害等.

graffiti 词典解释

1. (在公共场所的)涂画,涂鸦
    Graffiti is words or pictures that are written or drawn in public places, for example on walls or posters.

    e.g. Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti...
    e.g. There's no vandalism, no graffiti, no rubbish left lying about.

graffiti 单语例句

1. graffiti的翻译

1. The graffiti on the graves read " Death to the Arabs " and " Price tag, " a term locally used to describe reprisals by right wing activists.

2. A tag is graffiti artists'calling card and reveals their graffiti skills.

3. graffiti

3. She calls the act of artistic vandalism " yarn bombing, " adapting a term for plastering an area with graffiti tags.

4. The Little Mermaid has additionally been the victim of graffiti on several occasions and was also blown off its rock base with dynamite in 2003.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. He differs from other graffiti artists not only in his abstract style and unique calligraphy, but also his talent as a colorist.

6. To avoid crass and poor quality graffiti the authorities could simply dedicate some public spaces to it and commission graffiti artists to do the work.

7. Li said he always had this impulsion to change all those dull slogans into stylish graffiti whenever he came across one.

8. Getting rid of tourists'graffiti is the focus of the Great Wall protection campaign.

9. graffiti

9. Also known as " urban art ", graffiti combines the strong energy of youth with urban functionality.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. He discovered graffiti when he graduated from junior high school in 1996 and became an interior design student at a local vocational school.

graffiti 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls

    Synonym: graffito