
grail [greɪl]  [ɡreɪl] 

grail 基本解释

名词杯,圣杯,大盘; 砾石; 圣盘; 鹅卵石

grail 网络解释


1. 砂:grahamite 脆沥青 | grail 砂 | grain 颗粒

2. 砂砾:grahamite 脆沥青 | grail 砂砾 | grain 颗粒

3. 杭州匡捷贸易有限公司:GIANT 南京金鸿翔实业有限公司 C500 | GRAIL 杭州匡捷贸易有限公司 B630 | HANAGAL 卡斯麦(英国)国际有限公司 B116

4. grail:graphical input language; 图形输入语言

grail 词典解释

1. (耶稣在最后的晚餐上所用的)圣杯
    The Grail or the Holy Grail is the cup that was used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. In medieval times, many people tried to find the Grail without success.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 渴望得到的东西;努力追求的目标
    If you describe something as a grail or a holy grail, you mean that someone is trying very hard to obtain or achieve it.

    e.g. The discovery is being hailed as The Holy Grail of astronomy.

grail 单语例句

1. Some believe the monument holds the key to finding the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper.

2. Zuber said the Grail findings should eliminate cliffhangers like the Apollo 11 landing in 1969 by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

3. This unplanned " open kitchen " turned out to be Tan's Holy Grail.

4. grail在线翻译

4. The most memorable scenes involve Bennie pouring his heart out to the severed head, which comes to represent his own holy grail.

5. A final status agreement is a holy grail that so many previous generations of negotiators have not attained.

6. Accuracy and believability became his holy grail, in everything from the plot line to the sets and costumes.

7. Baigent and Leigh contend that Brown stole significant parts of his novel from their book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.

8. grail的近义词

8. He also questioned exactly what the central theme of " The Holy Blood, and the Holy Grail " was.

9. Overseas stock exchanges " aren't the holy grail for 100 percent of Chinese firms, " Reiss said.

10. grail是什么意思

10. But it's the couverture chocolate that is the " Holy Grail " of my quest.

grail 英英释义


1. (legend) chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper

    Synonym: Holy Grail Sangraal

2. grail

2. the object of any prolonged endeavor