graphic designer

graphic designer [ˈɡræfik dɪˈzaɪnə]  [ˈɡræfɪk dɪˈzaɪnɚ]

第三人称复数:graphic designers

graphic designer 基本解释
graphic designer 网络解释


1. 平面设计师:大部分的品牌设计师都不是突然成为品牌设计师的,而是经过长期平面设计师(Graphic Designer)和包装设计师后的经验. 我也经历过各种领域的设计,例如每次包装设计后,我就会根据顾客的评价、上市后目标对象层做出的反应,商品是否畅销等与自己的买卖直接连接的结果,

2. 美术设计员:职位:美术设计员(Graphic Designer) 工作职责: 1、页面设计. 2、图片设计、照片处理. 职位要求: 1、有we

3. 平面设计:职位:平面设计(GRAPHIC DESIGNER) 招聘人数:2名 薪资:面谈 性别:不限 职位描述:负责公司客户项目的平面类创意设计 职位要求: 1.一年以上广告公司设计工作经验(有房产经验者优先) 2.大专或大专以上学历,

4. 设计:摄影与美术 对于电影化的游戏而言,游戏画面往往是衡量质量好坏的重要标准,负责图像设计(GRAPHIC DESIGNER)的制作人员往往承担着电影拍摄中摄影师的工作.

graphic designer 单语例句

1. Freelance graphic designer Michelle Leong bought her first cheongsam when she was 23.

2. graphic designer什么意思

2. Taiwan graphic designer Nick Wu won best wall covering design for a series of wallpapers featuring distinctly Chinese patterns.

3. Graphic designer Nick Wu won best wall covering design for a series of wallpapers featuring distinctly Chinese patterns.

4. Myself - Sarah - I am a graphic designer and run my freelance business out of the space.

5. graphic designer是什么意思

5. A female graphic designer was to have a sex change operation in Guangzhou on Tuesday, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

6. Hua is a graphic designer from Zhejiang Province who is currently working in Singapore.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He planned to become a graphic designer but fate intervened when he did a graduation project in 2007.

8. Graphic designer Eric Huang could well be a poster boy for this shift.

9. The top European graphic artist is the designer of the Swiss passport, which has been in use since 2003.

graphic designer 英英释义

graphic designer什么意思


1. someone who specializes in graphic design

    Synonym: designer