
grassed [grɑ:st]  [græst] 






grassed 基本解释
grassed 网络解释


1. 棒头击球面微向后斜的:Grass bunker 绿草洼地 | Grassed 棒头击球面微向后斜的 | Green fee 果岭费

grassed 双语例句

1. I don't want it to be said I grassed on my mates.


2. It's obvious that Joe has been grassed on by somebody.

3. Bill must have grassed on us.

4. The police wouldn't have known of Terry's involvement if his brother hadn't grassed on him.

5. The optimum stage for application of the PGRs was the vigorous grow stage of the grassed.


6. This skin is created principally from a glass exterior skin, steel structure, wood decking and grassed, faceted roofscape.
    这是造成皮肤主要来自玻璃外墙皮,钢结构,木甲板和草坪,面roofscape 。

7. Whatever its consequences, time would close over them; they would all in a few years be as if they had never been, and she herself grassed down and forgotten.

8. Influence of Slope and Rainfall Intensity on Runoff and Erosion Hydraulic Characteristics on Grassed Roadways thermal etching


9. The Central Park is not so well grassed as it used to be.

10. He looked again, straining his keen blue eyes, that had a touch of the Viking in them, through the shadowy pine trees as through a doorway at the green-grassed garden-path rising from the shadow of alders by the log bridge up to the sunlit flowers.

11. Part of the courtyard is grassed, part of it consists of a wooden terrace and part of the paved walkways line the perimeter walls.

12. The rumour that I had grassed on them.


13. Dan grassed on them to the local police.