
grassland [ˈgrɑ:slænd]  [ˈgræslænd] 



grassland 基本解释


名词草地; 草原; 牧场

grassland 网络解释


1. 草原:生境:喜热带灌木林(woodland)及热带草原(grassland). 习性:一天约行1.2公里. 在旱季时,马羚族群惯于蹲坐在同一片草地一星期以上,只有在找寻饮水或避阳时方离开一段时间,后又再回到同一个草地. 但基本上马羚族群会一直迁移.

2. 草 场:总体上说,该地的冻原有如下几种:干旱的稀树圆丘(huock)(表明此处曾是古老的海底),布满苔藓的小丘(hillock),被一米多高的矮柳(dwarf willow)包围的草地(meadow),葱翠的草场(grassland),众多湿润的沼泽(其上有冻原池塘散布),

3. 草原; 草地; 牧地:grass wrack 大叶藻 | grassland 草原; 草地; 牧地 | gravel bed filter 砾石滤床过滤器; 砾石滤床滤池

grassland 词典解释

1. 草原;草地;草场
    Grassland is land covered with wild grass.

    e.g. ...areas of open grassland.

grassland 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The Nalati Grassland was bustling and extremely captivating that day, which impressed tourists from Beijing and Guangdong Province.

2. Not only do village doctors do regular medical rounds on the vast grassland, but those from regional hospitals also carry out the same routines.

3. Not long after Wu Liqin got her job with an electrical company in 1982, she was braving sandstorms and grassland hills on a horse cart.

4. The profits made from cashmere has driven local people to increase the number of goats on the grassland.

5. However, 90 per cent of its usable grassland is degraded to various extents.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The Grain to Green program works to convert cropland on steep slopes to forest and grassland by providing farmers with grain and cash subsidies.

7. The recycled water will be used as cooling water for electricity generation and grassland irrigation.

8. Cao's cottage is 20 km from the nearest power transformer station on the Erdos Grassland.

9. The concert venue was also decorated like grassland with old tires hanging on the walls and white cotton sheets on the ground.

10. grassland的意思

10. Those who revert cultivated land to forest and grassland enjoy land use rights, as well as rights of ownership of forest or grassland.

grassland 英英释义


1. grassland

1. land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life