green onion

green onion [ɡri:n ˈʌnjən]  [ɡrin ˈʌnjən] 

第三人称复数:green onions

green onion 基本解释
green onion 网络解释

green onion

1. 大葱:洋葱(Onion)和大葱(Green Onion)属于百合科葱属(Allium)植物,由于其具有特殊的刺激性和丰富的营养,尤其富含维生素C,深得人们的喜爱. 洋葱和大葱对人类无害,但犬、猫等动物食用后易引起中毒,主要表现为排红色或红棕色尿液,犬发病较多.

2. 青葱:green moss 苔菜 | green onion 青葱 | green paint 绿漆

3. (带茎叶的)嫩洋葱;葱:check v.核对;检查 | green onion (带茎叶的)嫩洋葱;葱 | duck n.鸭子

green onion 单语例句

1. The duck gets its sweet scent from ordinary spices of Chinese food, such as green onion and ginger.

2. green onion的近义词

2. He says the place where I am standing is for peanuts, though all I can see in the yard is one patch of green onion saplings.

3. green onion是什么意思

3. The rising price may benefit green onion wholesalers this year but not retailers.

4. At some dumpling restaurants there are a few tasty options - pork or beef with bits of shredded cabbage or green onion.

green onion 英英释义


1. a young onion before the bulb has enlarged
    eaten in salads

    Synonym: spring onion scallion