
griffin [ˈgrɪfɪn]  [ˈɡrɪfən] 


griffin 基本解释



griffin 网络解释

1. 怪兽:在富蕴黄金的不毛之地中的犀牛角被认为是鸟的爪子,这产生了保护黄金的鹰头狮身带有翅膀的怪兽(griffin)的观念. 在高海拔处的贝壳沉积使人联想到大洪水的观念. 科学观点直接出自大众的观点,它们起初与后者不可分开,然后逐渐发展而远离后者.

2. 狮身鹰首兽:今天是第二项比赛举行的日子,勇士们的第二项任务是在狮身鹰首兽(GRIFFIN)的手中(爪下?)取得三强赛第三场的比赛门票--一把金钥匙. 不过在此之前勇士们还得靠自己在第一场比赛中拿到的龙蛋里提供的信息在两个小时内找到第二场比赛的地点才行,

3. 狮鹫:诸如龙(东西方神话中龙的形象完全不同)、东方的麒麟、凤凰、饕餮、大鹏、蛟、辟邪、神猴、天狗、河童,以及西方的人马(Centaur)、梅杜莎(Medusa)、狮鷲(Griffin)、鸟妖(Harpy)、九头蛇蜥(Hydra)、牛头人(Minotaur)、飞马(Pegasus)、海妖女(Siren)、狮身人面兽(Sphinx)等,

4. 格里芬:在2008年第二季度,AMD还计划推出针对笔记本电脑市场设计的芯片套装Puma(美洲狮). Puma(美洲狮)是以一款名为"格里芬"(Griffin)的全新处理器为基础的,与AMD现有的移动处理器产品线相比,有望提供更佳的性能和更强大的功效.

griffin 词典解释

1. griffin在线翻译

1. (神话故事中的)狮身鹰首兽
    In mythology, a griffin is a winged creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle.

griffin 单语例句

1. But customer Abby Griffin says the chain stores are impersonal, so she comes to Morgan's.

2. griffin

2. Los Angeles Clipper Blake Griffin had a telephone interview with China Daily recently to talk about his perspective on the NBA's Chinese New Year celebrations.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Griffin said that the United States needs both good partners and competitors in space exploration, and sometimes they can be both a competitor and a partner.

4. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin again defended his controversial decision to launch the spacecraft despite concerns expressed by his top safety offical and chief engineer.

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5. " Not everything in the count leading up to this day was easy, " Griffin said.

6. Griffin told a Senate subcommittee on science and space during a hearing in Washington DC last Tuesday that he was looking forward to the visit.

7. On Wednesday Fuller said Griffin had been " very rude and disrespectful ", but accepted that his actions had been worse.

8. griffin什么意思

8. Griffin III is likely to finish with the highest passer rating for a rookie in NFL history.

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9. " We had to close the doors, " Adrian Griffin said.

10. griffin

10. Griffin downplayed his monster move after the game, a sly smile only briefly breaking his serious expression.

griffin 英英释义



1. winged monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion

    Synonym: gryphon griffon