
grist [grɪst]  [ɡrɪst] 

grist 基本解释

名词谷物,尤指磨成粉用(或已磨成粉的)谷物; 碎麦牙

grist 相关词组

1. bring grist to the mill : 生利, 使有利可图;

grist 网络解释

1. 谷物:grisly 恐怖的 | grist 谷物 | gristle 软骨

2. 谷物/大量:grissaille /灰色装饰画法/ | grist /谷物/大量/ | gristle /软骨/腱/

3. 紗支數(蘇格蘭名稱):握持點 gripping point | 紗支數(蘇格蘭名稱) grist | 雙經織物(英國名稱) grog

4. 粗细:助理 grip | 粗细 grist | 小故障 gritch

grist 词典解释

1. 对…有用的东西(或有利的事)
    If you say that something is grist to the mill, you mean that it is useful for a particular purpose or helps support someone's point of view.

grist 单语例句

1. grist是什么意思

1. Some say it's because the garble is grist for the mills of those touting the proposition that capitalism is supplanting China's socialism.

2. grist的意思

2. And a sure sign that Big Data has arrived came in July, when it became grist for satire in the " Dilbert " comic strip by Scott Adams.

3. Zuckerberg's February 5 appearance on " Saturday Night Live " added grist to criticism that his portrayal as a devious misfit was unfair.

4. grist的反义词

4. A shortage of flu vaccine also became grist for the campaign during the day.

grist 英英释义


1. grain intended to be or that has been ground