
grooming [ˈgru:mɪŋ] [ɡrumɪŋ] 







grooming 基本解释
喂马;整饰;照料或梳洗( groom的现在分词);推荐;修饰;
grooming 网络解释


1. 修饰:10年前说到个人修饰(grooming),除了美发就是美容,而今随着社会逐渐富裕,人们的消费方式日益受时尚潮流趋势的影响,不惜花钱追求容貌与形象的完美,个人修饰已经不再局限于秀发或脸蛋,讲究的是全面、整体.

2. 美容:实用的课程:基本美容(Grooming)深耕研习、各式美容剪的运用、发髻结扎法(Knot & Wrapping)各犬种美容造型(Trimming附最新中文讲义)、被毛的研究、染色法(Coloring)、宠物店的经营(Pet Shop)、及犬展现埸实习(Dog Show).

3. 修整:通常在使用单级架构时需创建更小的修整(grooming)架构,但对于特定的技术层次,单级架构的带宽一般是固定的,如果不改变为多级架构就不能升级. 不过,这种系统易于实现,因为它只有一套交换组件. 多级架构可以满足带宽扩展的要求,

grooming 单语例句

1. grooming什么意思

1. A phone call away, Zhang is a dog lover herself and acquired a pet grooming certificate last year.

2. grooming的反义词

2. Li says that Chinese pet owners'per capita consumption in grooming services accounted for nearly 40 percent of the overall spending on pets last year.

3. grooming的翻译

3. Twelve years ago commercial pet grooming was a novelty in China, and only half a dozen or so pet shops offered the service.

4. Singapore - Male macaque monkeys pay for sex by grooming females, according to a recent study that suggests the primates may treat sex as a commodity.

5. He said the distance between the world's elite and the cue kings China is grooming is shrinking each year.

6. The discovery follows tests in rats in which newborns were raised by mothers who spent different amounts of time licking and grooming their young.

7. These establishments typically offer services such as animal walking and general grooming.

8. Grooming and bathing can remove much of the dander and cause fewer allergic symptoms, and some breeds tend to be groomed and bathed more often.

9. grooming的近义词

9. But Lau - who plays a heroin kingpin grooming his successor to take over the business - stayed silent.

10. An hour on the massage table at the Ritz equals an average year's worth of dog grooming and treats.

grooming 英英释义




1. the activity of getting dressed
    putting on clothes

    Synonym: dressing

2. activity leading to skilled behavior

    Synonym: training preparation