
gross [grəʊs]  [groʊs] 










gross 基本解释


形容词总的; 粗俗的; 显而易见的; 恶劣的



gross 同义词

形容词whole fat dense bulky entire terrible obese crude total thick coarse massive clumsy stupid bad vulgar big

gross 反义词


形容词small little tiny net

gross 相关例句



1. His gross income is $50,000.

2. He regretted very much having said something gross.

3. He made a gross mistake but refused to admit it.


1. The company grossed over $5000000 last year.


1. The gross for the year was $60,000.

gross 网络解释


1. 罗:②个数单位:如件(Piece)、双(Pair)、套(Set)、打(Dozen)、罗(Gross)、令(Ream)等. 个数单位多数应用于杂货和工业制成品. ③长度单位:如米(公尺Meter)、英尺(Foot)、码(Yard)等. 长度单位多应用于金属绳索、纺织品等商品.

2. 总杆:美巡赛仅设立过以拜伦.尼尔森(Byron Nelson)、阿诺德.帕尔默(Arnold Palmer)、杰克.尼克劳斯(Jack Nicklaus)、佩恩.斯图尔特(Payne Stewart)名字命名的高尔夫奖项. 获此殊荣的亚洲人,仅此一位. 4、 总杆(GROSS)-差点(HD)= 净杆(NET)

3. 总杆数:把各球友记分卡上的 6 个秘密洞之成绩相加, 乘以 3, 再减去球场之标准杆数, 再乘以 0.8, 便成为该球友该天之差点(handicap). 球友的总杆数(Gross)减去自已的差点(handicap), 便是净杆数(Net), 依净杆数(Net)来排列, 便得出比赛名次.

4. 总额:至於结算的方式,有些交易市场采取总额(Gross)或逐笔交割制度(Trade for Trade)方式,有些交易市场则采取冲抵(Netting)之方式. 由於抵冲方式可以有效的降低风险,因此在成交量较大的市场中特别受到欢迎. 若结算交割制度不允许冲抵时,

gross 词典解释
The plural of the number is gross. 作数量词时复数为gross。

1. 重大的;严重的;极端的
    You use gross to describe something unacceptable or unpleasant to a very great amount, degree, or intensity.

    e.g. The company were guilty of gross negligence.
    e.g. act of gross injustice.

Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years...
She was grossly overweight.

2. (言语、行为)极端粗俗的,下流的
    If you say that someone's speech or behaviour is gross, you think it is very rude or unacceptable.

    e.g. He abused the Admiral in the grossest terms...
    e.g. I feel disgusted and wonder how I could ever have been so gross.

3. 令人不快的;让人恶心的;令人厌恶的
    If you describe something as gross, you think it is very unpleasant.

    e.g. They had a commercial on the other night for Drug Free America that was so gross I thought Daddy was going to faint...
    e.g. He wears really gross holiday outfits.

4. 肥胖难看的;臃肿的
    If you describe someone as gross, you mean that they are extremely fat and unattractive.

    e.g. I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross.

5. (尤指金额)总的,毛的
    Gross means the total amount of something, especially money, before any has been taken away.

    e.g. ...a fixed rate account guaranteeing 10.4% gross interest or 7.8% net until October.

6. gross的解释

6. 全部的;总计的
    Gross means the total amount of something, after all the relevant amounts have been added together.

    e.g. National Savings gross sales in June totalled £709 million.

7. gross的意思

7. 总重量的;毛重的
    Gross means the total weight of something, including its container or wrapping.

8. (扣除税金前)总共赚得,总收入为
    If a person or a business grosses a particular amount of money, they earn that amount of money before tax has been taken away.

    e.g. I'm a factory worker who grossed £12,900 last year...
    e.g. So far the films have grossed more than £590 million.

9. gross

9. 罗(一罗为144个)
      A gross is a group of 144 things.

      e.g. He ordered twelve gross of the disks.

相关词组:gross out

gross 单语例句

1. gross的意思

1. If the height of the butterfly represents gross domestic product, we can say that the economy is generally trending higher.

2. gross

2. I am absolutely horrified by the gross neglect of the witnesses to this tragedy.

3. " The FAS takes a serious view of this gross misconduct by the players, " a spokesman for the republic's soccer body said.

4. Gross domestic product expanded by the least in two years in the second quarter, economists surveyed ahead of a September 3 report forecast.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. As a percentage of gross domestic product, spending by the government has soared.

6. Singapore's gross domestic product is forecast by the government to grow between 3 percent and 5 percent this year.

7. The net revenue was divided by the actor's total compensation to derive gross income.

8. He said air travel will be driven by the country's continuing robust growth in gross domestic product and personal income.

9. The NFL says if no deal is reached by the deadline, the impact would be a gross revenue loss of $ 120 million.

10. gross的反义词

10. The municipal government has set a goal for the service sector to account for 45 percent of the city's gross domestic product by 2011.

gross 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made

    Synonym: revenue receipts


2. twelve dozen

    Synonym: 144


1. gross

1. earn before taxes, expenses, etc.


1. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

    e.g. a crying shame
           an egregious lie
           flagrant violation of human rights
           a glaring error
           gross ineptitude
           gross injustice
           rank treachery

    Synonym: crying(a) egregious flagrant glaring rank

2. conspicuously and tastelessly indecent

    e.g. coarse language
           a crude joke
           crude behavior
           an earthy sense of humor
           a revoltingly gross expletive
           a vulgar gesture
           full of language so vulgar it should have been edited

    Synonym: crude earthy vulgar

3. gross什么意思

3. repellently fat

    e.g. a bald porcine old man

    Synonym: porcine

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. lacking fine distinctions or detail

    e.g. the gross details of the structure appear reasonable

5. gross的解释

5. before any deductions

    e.g. gross income

6. visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)

    Synonym: megascopic