
grounds [ɡ'raʊndz]  [ɡ'raʊndz] 






grounds 基本解释

名词理由; 地面; 庭院; 渣滓; 泥土( ground的名词复数 ); [航海学]底; (工作、讨论等的)范围

grounds 网络解释


1. 根據:它们分别是诉求(claims)、根据(grounds)、授权(warrant) 、支持(backing)、合资格的(qualified)以及反驳(rebuttal)等等和法律相关的概念. 图尔明的模式对形式逻辑本身还没有根本的影响,但在话语交际理论方面、在论辩理论方面特别是在非形式逻辑方面的影响,

2. 证据:忍受bear; put up with; endure; stand | 证据evidence; facts; proof; grounds; testimony | 很容易地easily; with little problem; with little hindrance

3. (建筑物周围的)庭院,场地:greens蔬菜 | grounds(建筑物周围的)庭院,场地 | outskirts郊外

grounds 单语例句

1. It was the first time since 1990 that a US president has formally blocked a business transaction or required a sale on such grounds.

2. Obama's order marked the first time since 1990 that a US president has formally blocked a business transaction on security grounds.

3. grounds的意思

3. China National Offshore Oil Corp withdrew its bid to buy Unocal Oil Co in 2005 after many US lawmakers objected on national security grounds.

4. By then, the snow on the wings had melted and the grounds were already dry.

5. grounds是什么意思

5. The service originally was planned for a mosque on the grounds of Cairo's international airport, but was switched to the military club for logistical reasons.


6. A Superior Court judge dismissed the case in 2001 on grounds that federal rules covering employer health plans bar state civil rights actions.

7. Many of the volunteer programs that the chemistry major initiated are still running including one that has reached out far beyond the campus grounds.

8. grounds在线翻译

8. Central China's Wuhan City has rejected the World Carnival on environmental grounds.

9. The controversial case was suspended on confidential " procedural grounds ", according to police.

10. The historic black cemetery had closed for nearly four months after authorities arrested four workers and began searching the grounds.

grounds 英英释义



1. grounds是什么意思

1. the enclosed land around a house or other building

    e.g. it was a small house with almost no yard

    Synonym: yard curtilage

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. your basis for belief or disbelief
    knowledge on which to base belief

    e.g. the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling

    Synonym: evidence

3. a justification for something existing or happening

    e.g. he had no cause to complain
           they had good reason to rejoice

    Synonym: cause reason

4. a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.)

5. dregs consisting of solid particles (especially of coffee) that form a residue

    e.g. it is a Middle Eastern custom to read your future in your coffee grounds