group meeting

group meeting

group meeting 单语例句

1. group meeting在线翻译

1. Athens had been trying to clinch a comprehensive deal on the reforms and spending cuts before the Euro Working Group meeting begins on Thursday.

2. group meeting的解释

2. A spokesman for the group's Iraq delegation in Jordan today could not confirm a meeting with Saddam on January 21.


3. The Group of 7 leading industrial nations will asks the larger Paris Club of creditor nations to go along at a meeting Wednesday.

4. Ahead of the meeting, an Iranian opposition group accused Tehran of continuing to deceive the IAEA.

5. It has also proposed the first working group meeting of deputy delegation heads take place in two weeks after the ongoing second round of talks.

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6. The group will hold its first meeting on Feb 28 to discuss the method for electing the Chief Executive in 2012.

7. The subcommittee will hold a district forum and also a focus group meeting before finalizing its proposals by the end of March.

8. The group's final meeting will be held at the end of the year in Japan.

9. He also said calling another extraordinary meeting before the group's next regular meeting in September would " make no sense ".

10. The oil producer group's ministers also decided to meet next in September and not to call a further extraordinary meeting.