grow flowers

grow flowers

grow flowers 基本解释
grow flowers 网络解释

1. 种花:收集中国邮票collect Chinese stamps | 种花 grow flowers | 做衣服make clothes

2. 种花,栽花:grow fat ==> 变肥 | grow flowers ==> 种花,栽花 | grow in pace with ==> 同步增长

grow flowers 单语例句

1. They are placed to resemble a clump of real flowers, as they would grow in an actual flowerpot.

2. Many flowers, trees and fruits of Chengdu grow on the mountain.

3. This method is a way to grow flowers in the middle of winter.

4. grow flowers的意思

4. The center will grow flowers and other plants for growing inside rooms or on walls.

5. grow flowers的翻译

5. She has also taught them dancing, games and how to grow flowers in a bid to develop their love for life.

6. There is also a small piece of land to grow vegetables and flowers.

7. grow flowers的解释

7. Soil for the tulips was brought in from Heilongjiang Province, as the flowers need acidic soil to grow.