1. There have been grumblings from the travelling Obama White House press corps that the president hasn't given a single proper news conference during his current swing through Asia.
2. In fact, he is much more likely to lend credence to the grumblings of right-wing nutjobs who want to stoke fear and hatred.
3. From the sound of the backchannel grumblings, the failures have been flagged already, and NV isn't playing nice with their partners.
4. Despite grumblings - hate crumbs in my bed - Sunday morning found my spouse eagerly awaiting his tray.
5. Above and beyond the obvious grumblings of, " You're making the rest of us look bad, " your colleagues may dread collaborating on a project with you.
6. But the hints about new openings in the foreign exchange market are also partly directed at an overseas audience where there are already grumblings about the slow pace of change in the exchange rate since the initial fanfare.
7. Because a jealous ear hearkens to everything, and discordant grumblings are no secret.