
grump [grʌmp]  [ɡrʌmp] 








grump 基本解释

名词发火; 抱怨; 愠怒; 一阵坏脾气


grump 网络解释

1. 发火,发脾气:menopause 更年期 | grump 发火,发脾气n. | side effects 副作用

2. 坏脾气的人; 喜欢抱怨的人 (名):grumblingly 喃喃抱怨地; 发牢骚地 (副) | grump 坏脾气的人; 喜欢抱怨的人 (名) | grumpily 性情乖戾地; 脾气粗暴地 (副)

grump 双语例句


1. Can you not be such a grump?

2. Oh, where are you off to with a grump on?
    喔 你发脾气要去哪边?

3. The first is of leaving Serbia, the biggest country in the region, in a disgruntled, nationalistic grump.

4. Once I broke through my initial crustiness and got into the habit, it even became a game: Can I make this grump open up?

5. In this solitaire game, the stakes get higher as you compete with three computer players to see who can rid themselves of their Grump pile first.


6. She's been an infernal grump since octavian left.

7. Book The Geography of Bliss: One Grump`s Search for the Happiest Places in the World, Weiner immerses himself in the cultural fabric of the world`s happiest countries to pinpoint exactly why residents of some countries, like Iceland and Switzerland, are so downright satisfied with their lives.

8. Now Chief Grump opens my present.

9. One morning grump can infect an entire team and put everyone on the wrong footing.

10. The US tobacco lobbyists were grump, as they had had to swallow a thick cloud of concessions.

grump 英英释义


1. grump的解释

1. a bad-tempered person

    Synonym: grouch crank churl crosspatch