


guavas 基本解释
番石榴( guava的名词复数 );
guavas 网络解释


1. 番石榴:苹果 Apples | 番石榴 Guavas | 杏 Apricots

guavas 双语例句

1. I don't even like guavas.


2. How many guavas do you have?

3. If eaten regularly, guavas also lower your blood pressure.


4. People ask me usually: `How can you put so many guavas into one bottle?


5. Guavas With strong vitality, on behalf of health.
    芭乐 强劲的生命力,代表健康。


6. This resource represents any of a myriad number of tropical fruits that include pomegranates, pineapples, mangoes, mangosteens, carambolas, bananas, papayas, avocados, breadfruits, coffee, guavas, lychees, moyas, passion fruits, rambutans, tamarinds, durians, cikus, jackfruits, watermelons, and pomeloes.

7. The fruit cultures is also very rich with plantations of mangoes, bananas, pineapples, avocadoes, star fruits, jack fruits, litchis, pawpaw, coconuts, guavas, water melons and breadfruit...


8. Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried.

9. Wonderful intense citrus and passionfruit aromas, guavas, pineapple and dried figs which is rich and flavoursome with a clean crisp finish.

10. Your quinces and pineapple guavas have gone quickly.

11. While I started collecting the pineapple guavas (originally from New Zealand)

12. Like the pineapple guavas as much as we do.

13. Delivered the pineapple guavas to town.

14. Like watermelon, red guavas are one of the heart-healthiest choices you can make.

guavas 单语例句

1. They swarmed in to find their favourites in 19 exhibited categories such as wax apples, guavas and mangos.