1. 粘东西:gubernatorial 统治者的 | guck 粘东西 | gudgeon 易骗的人
2. 粘糊糊的东西:gubernatorial 统治者的 | guck 粘糊糊的东西 | gudgeon 易骗的人
3. 箍:故 googh | 箍 guck | 固 ggwu
1. Turns out this data guck is good for more than greasing the wheels of commerce.
2. Hiding play with a hand, a cloth, book or whatever you can shortly cover your face and guck guck to produce it out again.
3. So a picture of a goat adorns the Kid Glove Shave Gel, and an astronaut is featured on a hair gel aptly named Mission: Control Guck in a Puck.
这样,一幅山羊的图片出现在 Kid Glove 剃须着哩上,而一个宇航员标志的发胶恰当地命名为 Mission:Control Guck in a Puck 。
4. What is this guck on the bottom of my shoe?
5. See! There's always guck hiding in there.
6. My interest in sing song, see movie, guck do computer and push horse road.
7. The result: Guck rarely gets a chance to build up, and it washes away easily when it does.
8. I'm gonna try to get this guck off my shoe.