1. 海鸥:草地上有欧洲椋鸟(Starling)、家雀(Sparrow)、乌鸦 (Crow)、海鸥(Gull)、灯草雀(Junco)、斑点唧雀(Towhee) 捡食人们的残食. 森林里有知更鸟(Robin)、黑头山雀(Chickadee)、绒毛啄木鸟(Woodpecker)、冬鹪鹩(Wren)等在忙著觅 食昆虫.
2. 欺骗:gullible轻信的 a | gull欺骗 | gully小峡谷
1. (海)鸥
A gull is a common sea bird.
1. gull
1. " He has been arrested on the suspicion of murdering all five women, " said Detective Chief Superintendent Stewart Gull.
2. Gull said the man lived in Felixstowe, a port town about 19 kilometres southeast of Ipswich.
3. Interpol has also offered assistance, and Gull said it would be considered.
4. Gull said 340 specialist investigators from forces across Britain had joined 160 officers on the task force searching for the killer.
5. gull什么意思
5. It's a powerful racing car, with beautiful gull wing doors and innovative technology.