
gunk [gʌŋk]  [ɡʌŋk] 

gunk 基本解释


gunk 网络解释

1. 料斗:granule 颗粒料 | gunk 料斗 | hot mark 热斑

2. 预混料:Guiding device 导向装置 | Gunk 预混料 | gunk 料斗

3. 无特殊形状之一堆, 黏性物质:CFT Charge-Flow Transister 电荷流晶体管 | gunk 无特殊形状之一堆, 黏性物质 | cavatition 空化作用

4. 方钻杆防磨用油;油泥;管道中清除出来的沉积垢:gunk plug 柴油泥塞 | gunk 方钻杆防磨用油;油泥;管道中清除出来的沉积垢 | gunmetals 炮铜

gunk 词典解释


1. (尤指令人讨厌的)黏糊糊的东西
    You use gunk to refer to any soft sticky substance, especially if it is unpleasant.

gunk 单语例句

1. The ice in the rings is " like gunk in a skating rink, " Esposito said.

2. gunk的反义词

2. I spent the next 20 minutes coughing up gunk and blowing the darkened contents of my nose into a tissue.

gunk 英英释义


1. any thick, viscous matter

    Synonym: sludge slime goo goop gook guck muck ooze