
gunned [gʌnd]  [gʌnd] 





gunned 基本解释


gunned 网络解释

1. 泥浆枪冲刺过的:gunmetals 炮铜 | gunned 泥浆枪冲刺过的 | gunnel 舷缘;舷边

gunned 单语例句

1. Dozens of their opponents have been gunned down since a 2002 ceasefire and analysts say their denial is a stock disclaimer.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Ono received the items from the medical examiner in December 1980, when the former Beatle was gunned down in New York City at age 40.

3. The dealer is also selling the album that Lennon autographed for killer Mark David Chapman just hours before he gunned down the former Beatle.

4. An Oil Ministry employee also was gunned down in front of his home.

5. Assailants gunned down the chief of Saddam Hussein's tribe in the ousted leader's hometown of Tikrit a few weeks after he publicly disavowed Saddam.

6. He was gunned down in 1979 while having dinner with his intelligence agency chief, five years after his wife was shot dead by a supporter of North Korea.

7. The shootings terrorized the Washington region, with victims gunned down while doing everyday chores like shopping or pumping gas.

8. A man suspected of ransacking a local company was gunned down by a pair of police officers who had arrived at the scene upon report.

9. Two teachers were gunned down by suspected separatists Tuesday while travelling home from different schools in the province.

10. Tensions between Abbas's Fatah movement and Hamas flared up last week when a top intelligence official loyal to Abbas was gunned down in Gaza.