
guts [gʌts]  [gʌts] 







guts 基本解释
狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏;内脏;肠;勇气( gut的名词复数 );消化道的下段;
guts 网络解释


1. 格斯:(您是本帖的第 419 个阅读者)格斯(Guts)宠物生活馆新增免费接送洗护狗狗业务详细进贴哦.格斯(Guts)宠物生活馆为打造最优质的服务....不要紧,现在格斯(Guts)宠物生活馆为你解决以上烦恼....

2. 胆量:问:两岸问题一直是企业家避之唯恐不及的敏感地带,你却登报、公开部落格,这个胆量(guts)由何而来?像我有一次去巴黎一家美术馆,中国馆那天正好维修闭馆,但馆方为我们把场地重开!要达到伟大收藏家(great collector)的称号,也不容易.

3. guts:ground up tick supernate; 磨得粉碎的蜱的上清液

guts 单语例句

1. But I had no way to explain the actual source of my nausea was the snails wriggling through my guts because of linguistic limitations.

2. It does not have the sharp hit of white spirits on nose and guts, but possesses a deceiving subtlety that may catch the novice unawares.

3. guts的意思

3. He told Scientific American magazine that photographs posted on the website " just look like a costume with some fake guts thrown on top for effect ".

4. It is time for the regulator to show both guts and teeth to curb malpractice and restore investors'confidence in the market.

5. It took enormous guts to modify what was imbedded deeply and held dearly at the heart of the Party's orthodoxies.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. " Kaman showed a lot of guts even being out there, " Carlisle said.

7. He further elaborated that even if he had such an idea, he would never have had the guts to put it to his parents.

8. guts的意思

8. The airbag punched me in the face, and fluid from the car's guts slapped my eyes.

9. If you don't have the guts to force companies to do something, you must bribe them instead.

10. guts的解释

10. The Chinese take on Fright Night seems somewhat less grisly, with fewer guts but with all the glory.

guts 英英释义


1. fortitude and determination

    e.g. he didn't have the guts to try it

    Synonym: backbone grit moxie sand gumption