
gyroscope [ˈdʒaɪrəskəʊp]  [ˈdʒaɪrəskoʊp] 


gyroscope 基本解释


gyroscope 网络解释


1. 陀螺仪:平台的基本作用在保持水平与指北,不能光靠环架,另一个惯性组合件-陀螺仪(gyroscope)也不可少. 陀螺仪是个高速旋转(可能高达每秒数万转)的飞轮,受牛顿运动律之作用而能在惯性空间内保持定向,所以安装在平台上,

2. 回转仪:他们把太空站四个月前失去电力的一个回转仪(gyroscope)予以修复,它因保险丝跳开而电力中断,太空人把电路加以修复. 他们也更换了一个全球定位天线.

3. 陀螺:可见此一类比只能解释回旋镖的漂浮能力,而无法完全说明其回转的动力.与回旋镖相似,本身自转而且同时绕著某个中心轴回转的例子,其实大家应不陌生,陀螺(gyroscope)便是这样的典范:当陀螺的中心轴不是铅直而是倾斜时,

4. 纵舵调整器:gyroplanerotorcraft 旋翼机 | gyroscope 纵舵调整器 | gyroscopic 回转仪的

gyroscope 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 陀螺仪;回转仪
    A gyroscope is a device that contains a disc turning on an axis that can turn freely in any direction, so that the disc maintains the same position whatever the position or movement of the surrounding structure.

gyroscope 单语例句

1. The broken gyroscope will be stored at the station so it can be brought back to Earth during a later mission.

2. He took inspiration from the film Inception, which gave him the idea of using magnetic levitation theory to create a gyroscope.

3. gyroscope

3. The pair planned to go over procedures for installing the gyroscope on Sunday with Thomas, who was set to direct Monday's replacement from inside the shuttle.

4. Robinson and Noguchi repaired the other malfunctioning gyroscope in their first spacewalk on Saturday.

5. gyroscope的意思

5. The astronauts also will install a giant storage platform for spare parts and a new gyroscope that will replace one that is broken.

6. Among the tasks Discovery's astronauts performed for the station was the reconfiguring of a gyroscope, which failed in March.

7. They restored power to a gyroscope that stopped working four months ago and replaced a broken Global Positioning System antenna.

gyroscope 英英释义


1. gyroscope

1. rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction

    Synonym: gyro