
haggis [ˈhægɪs]  ['hæɡɪs] 


haggis 基本解释


haggis 网络解释


1. 哈吉士:菜单上有哈吉士(Haggis)和黑香肠(Black Pudding)(正在申请进口的允许),各式汉堡、鸡肉、豆泥加肉汁以及各式传统的派. 如果你渴的话可以喝Tenants Lager淡啤酒和麦芽啤酒(Ale). 炸鱼和马铃薯片如果加上醋的话会很好吃,

2. 将羊杂切碎加麦片纳入羊胃中煮成的食物:572. Chocolate Fondue 巧克力融化乳酪制品 | 573. Haggis将羊杂切碎加麦片纳入羊胃中煮成的食物 | 574. Brie布里

3. 将羊的心:haggardness 憔悴 | haggis 将羊的心 | haggish 女巫似的

4. 哈吉司肠:47. Jerk chicken and pork 加勒比海烤鸡, 猪肉 | 48. Haggis. 哈吉司肠 | 49. Caviar 鱼子酱

haggis 词典解释

1. 肉馅羊肚,羊杂碎布丁(一种苏格兰传统食品,通常用羊肉馅装入羊肚中制成)
    A haggis is a large sausage, usually shaped like a ball, which is made from minced sheep's meat contained inside the skin from a sheep's stomach. Haggis is traditionally made and eaten in Scotland.

haggis 单语例句

1. Haggis complained that Davis didn't do enough to distance Scientology from proponents of California's gay marriage ban.

2. Davis said Haggis'complaints were based on misunderstandings and that he has since spoken to the filmmaker.

3. haggis的近义词

3. Haggis wrote a letter addressed to Tommy Davis, the head of Scientology's Celebrity Centre.

4. Haggis'harrowing movie centers on a US veteran who goes searching for his missing son.

5. haggis的翻译

5. It was Rathbun who obtained a copy of Haggis'critical letter to Davis and posted it on his blog.

6. Google " British food " and you get a distracting list that includes haggis, pork pie and black pudding.

haggis 英英释义



1. haggis

1. made of sheep's or calf's viscera minced with oatmeal and suet and onions and boiled in the animal's stomach