hair felt

hair felt [hɛə felt]  [hɛr fɛlt] 

hair felt 基本解释
hair felt 网络解释

1. 发毡:铝板 alaminium sheet | 发毡 hair felt | 发泡 foaming

2. 毛毡:hair cross 十字准线 | hair felt 毛毡 | hair hygrometeer 毛发湿度计

3. 发尾毡:hair crack 毛细裂纹 | hair felt 发尾毡 | hair line 细微裂纹

4. 毛毡,发毡,丝毛毡:hair feather ==> 毛羽 | hair felt ==> 毛毡,发毡,丝毛毡 | hair fiber ==> 毛发纤维

hair felt 单语例句

1. The crew member with reddish hair said he felt OK and was eager to be reunited with his wife and daughter.

2. After Tu washed his hair with pesticide he felt difficulty breathing and fainted.

3. hair felt

3. The next day Ryan sent me flowers because he felt bad for having to pull my hair.