
hairdresser [ˈheədresə(r)]  [ˈherdresə(r)] 


hairdresser 基本解释

名词理发师; 剪头或做头发的人

hairdresser 网络解释

1. 美发师:尽管美发师(HAIRDRESSER)这个职业在上海并不是很起眼的一个职业,但是在澳洲却是很热门也很受人尊重. 客人的友善态度让小周很受鼓舞.

2. 理发师:还有,为女子理发的理发师(hairdresser)变成了beautician(美容师工头(foreman)变成了plant superintendent(工厂负责人). 商业广告为了招揽生意,也越来越多地利用委婉语. 如expensive(昂贵的)听起来悦耳,但有些外露,这样,

3. 发型师:General Plumber普通管道工 | Hairdresser发型师 | Loiner细木匠

4. 发型:27. Make Up 化妆 | 28. Hairdresser 发型 | 29. Stunt Coordinator 特技协调

hairdresser 词典解释

1. 理发师;美发师
    A hairdresser is a person who cuts, colours, and arranges people's hair.

2. 理发店;美发店
    A hairdresser or a hairdresser's is a shop where a hairdresser works.

    e.g. I work in this new hairdresser's.

hairdresser 单语例句

1. Police traced the number to a Hamburg hairdresser whose payment system dialed the man whenever it accepted a card.

2. hairdresser

2. The hairdresser was so taken with Bei's clothing after spotting it at her 2007 fashion show that he immediately offered her the space.

3. hairdresser的反义词

3. I was acting like the name of my favorite Beijing hairdresser - Curl Up and Dye.

4. After changing his job twice, he settled on becoming a hairdresser.

5. An attempt by a German thief to change his appearance after a robbery backfired Monday when a hairdresser tipped off the police.

6. He came to know her while working as the master hairdresser for a beauty salon and they fell in love and got married.

7. She told Vogue magazine in 2009 that she was disappointed that Victoria didn't reach out to her after Ashley's drunken indiscretion with a hairdresser.

8. A hairdresser in Zhengzhou said the policy is discrimination, since it implies all employees in the profession are possible HIV carriers.

9. Another woman called her hairdresser weeks after having been in the shop, describing symptoms she was having.

10. Just like the hairdresser he plays in the film, in reality Wang can only sing as a hobby.

hairdresser 英英释义


1. hairdresser在线翻译

1. someone who cuts or beautifies hair

    Synonym: hairstylist stylist styler