1. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.
2. half price的翻译
2. Diners buying five sets can get one free, and buying three sets get one for half price.
3. The packaging of the counterfeit medicine was similar to that of the actual product, but the knockoff was being sold at half the price.
4. The figure is the highest price for two and a half years, according to the China Coal Transportation and Distribution Association.
5. The dramatic collapse in oil prices in the second half of this year has understandably given rise to a gloomy forecast on the price trend.
6. Today, pigs sell at half that price but the cost of their feed is increasing.
7. Tickets cost $ 75, half the price of most inaugural ball tickets.
8. Because the house could not be cut in half, the judge decide it should be given to the one who offered the higher price.
9. half price什么意思
9. But it's possible for inflation to moderate in the second half as oil price is falling and domestic agricultural supply is recovering.
10. One parameter leading to the price surge is shrinking steel supply as domestic steel mills slashed output in the second half of last year.