
half [hɑ:f]  [hæf] 


half 基本解释


名词半; 一半; (啤酒等饮料的)半品脱; (比赛、音乐会等的)半场

副词一半; 部份地

half 反义词



half 相关词组


1. not half : 一点也不;

half 情景对话



A:The tour should last about an hour and a half .

B:I‘m really looking forward to this.

A:We can start over here.

B:I‘ll just follow you.


A:I need to change the time we meet for lunch.

B:What time would be good for you?

A:I‘ll be about half an hour late.

B:Good, I‘ll see you there at 12:30.


A:I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.

B:well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.

A:Let's meet each other half way.

half 网络解释


1. 半场:1每局(round)为1分45秒,一个半场(half)为15局,一场比赛(match)为30局(twohalves). 9比赛中各方队员不允许利用地图中BUG取胜,被发现者,此局(round)比赛按负处理

half 词典解释

1. 半;二分之一
    Half of an amount or object is one of two equal parts that together make up the whole number, amount, or object.

    e.g. They need an extra two and a half thousand pounds to complete the project...
    e.g. More than half of all households report incomes above £35,000...

2. half的解释

2. 部分地;在某种程度上;有点
    You use half to say that something is only partly the case or happens to only a limited extent.

    e.g. His eyes were half closed...
    e.g. His refrigerator frequently looked half empty...

3. half的反义词

3. (足球、橄榄球、篮球比赛等的)半场,半时,半局
    In games such as football, rugby, and basketball, matches are divided into two equal periods of time which are called halves.

    e.g. The only goal was scored by Jakobsen early in the second half.

4. half

4. (啤酒、苹果酒等的)半品脱
    A half is half a pint of a drink such as beer or cider.

    e.g. ...a half of lager and a sandwich.

5. (儿童乘坐公共汽车或火车时的)半(价)票
    A half is a half-price bus or train ticket for a child.

6. half的翻译

6. 一半…血统地
    You use half to say that someone has parents of different nationalities. For example, if you are half German, one of your parents is German but the other is not.

    e.g. She was half Italian and half English.

7. (时间)…点半
    You use half past to refer to a time that is thirty minutes after a particular hour.

    e.g. 'What time were you planning lunch?'—'Half past twelve, if that's convenient.'...
    e.g. I think I got there about four and left about half past.

8. 同 half past
    Half means the same as half past .

    e.g. They are supposed to be here at about half four.

9. (用于形容词前,表示强调或夸张)非常,极其
    You can use half before an adjective describing an extreme quality, as a way of emphasizing and exaggerating something.

    e.g. He felt half dead with tiredness...
    e.g. All this time I've been half sick about you and why you wouldn't write.

10. (有时用在否定句中,表示非常肯定的意思)
    Half is sometimes used in negative statements, with a positive meaning, to emphasize a particular fact or quality. For example, if you say 'he isn't half lucky', you mean that he is very lucky.

    e.g. You don't half sound confident...
    e.g. I didn't half get into trouble...

11. 一点也不;差得远
      You use not half or not half as to show that you do not think something is as good or impressive as it is meant to be.

      e.g. You're not half the man you think you are...
      e.g. Poor old Henry, and not half as clever as he'd thought.

12. 非常…的;更…的;非同寻常的
      When you use an expression such as a problem and a half or a meal and a half, you are emphasizing that your reaction to it is either very favourable or very unfavourable.

      e.g. It becomes clear that Montgomerie has a job and half on his hands.

13. half的近义词

13. 妻子;丈夫;另一半
      If you talk about your better half or your other half you mean your wife, your husband, or the person of the opposite sex that you live with.

      e.g. I was worried that my career, my children and my other half might become too much to cope with.

14. 以一半;一半地
      If you increase something by half, half of the original amount is added to it. If you decrease it by half, half of the original amount is taken away from it.

      e.g. The number of 7 year olds who read poorly has increased by half over the past 5 years...
      e.g. Cutting food intake by half is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone to do.

15. 做事不认真;做事马虎
      If you say that someone never does things by halves, you mean that they always do things very thoroughly.

      e.g. In Italy they rarely do things by halves. Designers work thoroughly, producing the world's most wearable clothes in the most beautiful fabrics.

16. (两人)平均分摊,平分(费用)
      If two people go halves, they divide the cost of something equally between them.

      e.g. He's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend. We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad.

17. half the battle -> see battle
      half an ear -> see ear
      too clever by half -> see clever

half 单语例句

1. Customs'statistics for the first half year also show a brisk business in furniture.

2. half是什么意思

2. It was boosted by the business income tax as corporate profits improved in the first half of the year.

3. Emerging markets contributed 50 percent of Citi's core business last year, and Asia contributed half of the businesses in emerging markets.

4. Although people today have a busy life, taking half an hour every week to make a flower arrangement can bring joy.

5. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.

6. More than half of Chinese mobile phone buyers purchased or gathered information about certain handsets over the Internet.

7. half的翻译

7. Over half of the respondents do not consider buying, uploading and downloading pirate products to be IPR violation if it is for individual use.

8. Diners buying five sets can get one free, and buying three sets get one for half price.

9. But the flag on the courthouse where Breivik will appear remained at half staff, and the world's media was buzzing around the building.

10. The bloc is by far Britain's top trading partner, accounting for about half of its trade.

half 英英释义



1. one of two equal parts of a divisible whole

    e.g. half a loaf
           half an hour
           a century and one half

    Synonym: one-half

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval


1. half

1. (of siblings) related through one parent only

    e.g. a half brother
           half sister


1. partially or to the extent of a half

    e.g. he was half hidden by the bushes