
halfback [ˈhɑ:fbæk]  [ˈhæfbæk] 

halfback 基本解释


halfback 网络解释


1. 前卫:101.前锋:forward | 102.前卫:halfback | 103.后卫:back

2. 半卫:Running Back 跑卫 | Halfback 半卫 | Fullback 全卫

3. 拖后前卫:half中前卫 | halfback拖后前卫 | hand ball手球

halfback 双语例句

1. They are a group of halfback, they constantly changing history, more changes life.

2. He started his ace left halfback on the second half.

3. The injured right halfback was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.


4. She has the purple hat and scarf, knitting tie-in black leather halfback.

5. In his last college season, Thorpe scored 198 points and was voted first-string, All-American halfback.

6. Part white with aluminium alloy and fuselage Bamboo fibre, simple sense and halfback.

7. The halfback pretended to run forward, then cut back to his left and took the ball the other way.

8. This kind of practice is in China compare halfback, till today, website of a lot of video just just began to make mobile phone video, and buy an Internet bar, let a person at this o'clock remember Changjiang Delta spring, cent is numerous be a success undoubtedly, if for instance perhaps one day leisurely inspects the video website such as the net to follow at the same time, divide numerous grab the trade, this life looks it seems that not far


9. The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback.

10. The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown.

11. His Shan Zhishi: The practice that compares halfback is put mattess on platform directly, receive on the side give a work area, save a space extremely.

12. Analysis the Defense Skills Used in Halfback of the Juvenile Football Players; The goalkeeper was injured so a defender had to go in goal.

13. Along with society high-speed development, scientific means to update ceaselessly, press reports means and skills also appear less halfback.

halfback 英英释义



1. (American football) the position of a back on a football team

2. halfback

2. (football) the running back who plays the offensive halfback position