
halo [ˈheɪləʊ]  [ˈheɪloʊ] 


第三人称复数:halos; haloes





halo 基本解释

名词光环; 荣光; (日月等的)晕

及物动词使有晕轮; 围以光环


halo 网络解释

1. halo:high altitude low opening; 高跳低开

halo 词典解释

1. (绘画中圣人、天使头上的)光环,光轮
    A halo is a circle of light that is shown in pictures round the head of a holy figure such as a saint or angel.

2. 晕;晕状物
    A halo is a circle of light round a person or thing, or something that looks like a circle of light.

    e.g. The sun had a faint halo round it...
    e.g. She angrily slung a scarf around her head, flattening her halo of hair.

halo 单语例句

1. A halo is an optical phenomenon produced by ice crystals and creates colored or white arcs and spots in the sky.

2. Her almond eyes flirt sidelong at the viewer as a halo of curled snakes rises behind her.

3. Others believe that there is a " halo effect " to good looks.

4. Only by discarding their artificial halo can some government officials bridge the gap that they have created with the people.

5. The'Halo'singer used to enjoy hanging out in her mother's beauty salon because she got to listen to other women discussing their problems.

6. Only in few places with appropriate sync of light, landform and clouds could the halo be enjoyed.

7. Under the dim halo of streetlamps, men drink and shout greetings to each other at the roadside food stalls.

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8. " Bottled water doesn't deserve the nutritional halo that most people give it for being pure, " she says.

9. Scientists proposed that the halo likely contained particles ranging from the size of grains to boulders.

10. Sometimes the bright colors make the mountain seem as if it is ringed by a halo of fire.

halo 英英释义



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1. an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint

    Synonym: aura aureole nimbus glory gloriole

2. a circle of light around the sun or moon

3. a toroidal shape

    e.g. a ring of ships in the harbor
           a halo of smoke

    Synonym: ring annulus doughnut anchor ring