hand down

hand down [hænd daun]  [hænd daʊn] 

hand down 基本解释

遗留; 把…传递下来; 正式宣布; 搀扶…下去

hand down 相关例句

hand down的意思


1. This custom has been handed down since the 18th century.

hand down 网络解释

hand down

1. 把...传下去:by hand 用手,用体力 | hand down 把...传下去 | hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联地,同时并进地

2. 流传下来,传给,往下传:go with伴随,与......协调 | hand down流传下来,传给,往下传 | hand in交上,递交

3. 把...传下来;传给:had rather... 宁愿... | hand down 把...传下来;传给 | hand in hand 手拉手;联合

4. 把......传下来:had rather...than 宁愿......(而不是) | hand down 把......传下来 | hand in 交上;递上

hand down 词典解释

1. 把…传下去;传给(后代)
    If you hand down something such as knowledge, a possession, or a skill, you give or leave it to people who belong to a younger generation.

    e.g. The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean.
    e.g. ...a Ukrainian folk heritage handed down from their parents.

2. (正式)宣布,公布(决定)
    When a particular decision is handed down by someone in authority, it is given by them.

    e.g. Tougher sentences are being handed down these days...
    e.g. She is expected soon to hand down a ruling.

hand down 单语例句

1. Behind each authentic ethnic costume is an individual who made it by hand, using techniques passed down by older generations.

2. hand down的翻译

2. A man emerged from the darkness, brushed passed the snake and grabbed Carol's hand to lead her down the mountainside.

3. hand down的翻译

3. Ferguson played down suggestions Rooney may begin to feature regularly in United's midfield, admitting that hand had been forced by circumstance.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The woman was so angry that she brought the cleaver down on his hand, cutting off three fingers.

5. Rocks weighing 20 tonnes or more had come crashing down into homes, and they were impossible to remove by hand.

6. Du asked local authorities to crack down on illegal kiln owners and other criminals with a firm hand and punish officials according to law.

7. On the one hand, we slowed down the expansion of greenfield projects while fully digesting existing markets.

8. hand down在线翻译

8. The discharge and prison term were the toughest the judge could hand down under the rules of a special courts martial.

9. hand down什么意思

9. Also, many of these countries do not hand down the death penalty for corruption.

10. hand down是什么意思

10. The UN mission is due to wind down by the end of the year and hand over to a new force from the European Union.

hand down 英英释义


1. hand down在线翻译

1. passed on, as by inheritance

    e.g. This ring was handed down through many generations