hand in

hand in [hænd in]  [hænd ɪn] 

hand in 基本解释

hand in在线翻译

交上; 递交; 呈送; 把…扶上车

hand in 情景对话

Joe's Date-(乔的约会)

A:And then we went to a dance after dinner, and after the third dance she tells me that she's practically engaged to some G.I. who's overseas.


A:What do you mean by "so"? You don't accept dates if you're practically engaged.

B:Why not? You only asked her for a date, not for her hand in marriage.There's nothing wrong in going out with a friend from the office.

A:I know, but it makes me mad.

B:They're all engaged, and they never tell you before you ask them out.


A:What are your rates of laundry service?

B:There's a rate chart in your folder in the dresser drawer, sir.

A:I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 528 to pick up some laundry for me?

B:Yes, sir. I'll send someone immediately.
      好的,先生。我立即派人去。 ……

A:I'd like to have these clothes washed.

B:Could you please fill out the laundry form?

A:OK. By the way, I'd like my silk shirt to be handwashed. Please use cold water, then it doesn't shrink.

B:By hand in cold water. I see.

A:I need them to be washed right away. Can you have them finished by tomorrow morning?

B:Sorry, it won't be possible. It's already 10 o'clock. I'm afraid it's too late for today's laundry.Tomorrow afternoon is the soonest.

A:Oh, no! I have a date at 11:00 tomorrow.

B:We have a special three-hour service. We will deliver it within 3 hours, but it is 35% extra charge.

A:I guess that will have to do.

hand in 网络解释

1. 上交:1. 此题考查固定搭配及意义和逻辑. 根据上下文判断,老师不是在教室里上交(hand in)而是在分发(hand out)试题. 故应将in改为out.

2. 交:解析:根据上下文判断,老师不是在教室里上交(hand in)而是在分发(hand out)试题,故应将in改为out. 解析:根据上下文,测试题不只一个题目,答案(answer)当然也不只一个,所以应使用复数.

3. 交上,递交:hand down流传下来,传给,往下传 | hand in交上,递交 | hand on传下来,依次传递

4. 交上来:33.out of class 在课堂以外 | 34.hand in 交上来 | 35.more or less 大约

hand in 词典解释

1. 上交(作业、拾到的失物等)
    If you hand in something such as homework or something that you have found, you give it to a teacher, police officer, or other person in authority.

    e.g. I'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation...
    e.g. My advice to anyone who finds anything on a bus is to hand it in to the police.

2. 提出,递交(辞呈)
    If you hand in your notice or resignation, you tell your employer, in speech or in writing, that you no longer wish to work for them.

    e.g. I handed my notice in on Saturday...
    e.g. All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation.

hand in 单语例句

1. hand in的意思

1. The business model during that period attempted to get the upper hand in competition through the growth of liability.

2. Buyers need to hand over their ID cards and driving licenses, while their details and those of sellers will also be recorded in the dealer's computer.

3. hand in的解释

3. Farmers were having to harvest crops which fell over in the storms by hand, then reseeding fields.

4. He started skateboarding in 1989 with a skateboard his father made by hand.

5. hand in的近义词

5. The village has 151 wells dug by hand by several generations over a hundred years in the quest for water.

6. hand in的反义词

6. They do most of the work by hand, often at home or in small village workshops.

7. Most buildings in that region are small farmhouses made by hand from mud and stone.

8. hand in

8. I just help them by instinct when I discover passengers in need of a helping hand on their way home.

9. Hu will hand Bush a silk edition of the book produced by the State Council Information Office's foreign language press in Beijing.

10. He blogged his actions and deepest thoughts in real time, using a cellphone that seemed glued to his hand.