hand round

hand round [hænd raund]  [hænd raʊnd] 

hand round 基本解释
hand round 网络解释

1. 传递[阅]; 分发:hand over head [古]轻率地; 冒冒失失 | hand round 传递[阅]; 分发 | hand around 传递[阅]; 分发

2. 分发:hand puppet 布袋木偶 | hand round 分发 | hand to fist 亲密地

3. 顺次传递(传阅),分发:hand in递交,交出(考卷等) | hand round顺次传递(传阅),分发 | hang up挂起,拖延,中止,弃置不闻,挂断电话

4. 传递;传阅;传:hand over 交出,移交;让与;转交 | hand round 传递;传阅;传 | hand sth down to sb (作为传统)传下

hand round 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The second round of Strategic and Economic Dialogue will be held in Beijing this year, a good opportunity to repair relations and extend a hand of cooperation.

2. Take a piece of dough and press it into a round with the heel of your hand.