1. 女佣人/侍女/服侍者:handmaid /侍女/ | handmaiden /女佣人/侍女/服侍者/ | handmower /手推剪草机/
2. 起服务(或辅助)作用的事物:hinterland 内地 L15 | handmaiden 起服务(或辅助)作用的事物 L15 | scoop 挖空 L15
3. 侍女; 女仆 (名):handmaid 女佣人; 侍女 (名) | handmaiden 侍女; 女仆 (名) | handspike 手杆; 绞盘棒 (名)
1. 侍女;女仆
A handmaiden is a female servant.
2. 起服务作用的东西;辅助;支持
If one thing is the handmaiden of another, the first thing helps the second or makes it possible.
e.g. The fear is that science could become the handmaiden of industry.