
handstand [ˈhændstænd]  [ˈhændˌstænd] 


handstand 基本解释



handstand 网络解释


1. 手倒立:还有手部平衡的能唤起能量和心胸开阔的手倒立(handstand),鹤禅式(crane pose),八角式(eight-angle pose). 由于冬季寒冷,即使室内暖和,也需要花时间先对肌肉做热身练习,如做几次半式祈阳式. 在这个季节里不要老去想自己关节怎么僵直,

2. 倒立:又,陆莉和黄曼丹做的动作虽然一样,但因为陆莉做的到倒立(handstand), 而黄曼丹做的没有到倒立位置(handstand position),所以陆莉的动作是D难度,黄曼丹的只是B难度.

3. 单手倒立:stopsleep 结束睡 | handstand 单手倒立 | killvirus 放一个雷,爆

4. 興趣:社交團體: Drunken Master | 興趣: Handstand | 最喜歡的書: Trubus

5. handstand:hstnd.; 手倒立

handstand 词典解释

1. (手)倒立
    If you do a handstand, you balance yourself upside down on your hands with your body and legs straight up in the air.

handstand 单语例句

1. He can wear a child's coat, cram himself into a suitcase and write when performing a handstand.

2. handstand什么意思

2. A qigong practitioner who can do a handstand on two fingers is applying to have his feat recognized by Guiness World Records.

3. A few days later, its owner started to carry its tail and let it walk in a handstand position.

4. He can hold a handstand for 10 minutes or longer and can juggle with seven balls.

handstand 英英释义


1. the act of supporting yourself by your hands alone in an upside down position